Well, I have spent the past 7 hours of my life taking an online defensive driving course. I wish it was voluntary, but that would be an outright lie. I had to take this course because I got a speeding ticket a while back. Yes...I'm human. In the midst of this marathon I got to thinking about how this class really affects me. You see, this is not the first time I've had to take defensive driving. I think this is actually the third time I've had to take, and each time for ticket dismissal. For me, this class is really beneficial, because it reminds me of things that I had forgotten. It makes me more aware as a driver. It makes me focus on driving instead of doing my usual multi-tasking. It has benefits. So here's the thing...where is the "defensive driving" for our spiritual life. You know, where is the class that gets back to the basic things of the faith and serves as a refresher of all the things we "forgot." I would say that it is widely absent for most of us and in most churches. Part of the reason is that we don't want to admit that we have a problem or ever make a mistake or misstep. We want to have the appearance that we have it all together, when in reality we really may not. Hard words to swallow, aren't they. Mike Huckabee talk about in his book Do the Right Thing about the importance of self government. If self government increased there would be decreased need for national government. Unfortunately, that is not the case for us today. I have to agree with Mr. Huckabee. If we could not just govern but manage ourselves, things could be so much better. There is a great need in the lives of many Christians for a refresher course on all things Jesus. Not on the things that we have made Him to be, but on the person that He really was and is. We need a refresher on what He expects of us as individual, as His bride. We are the bride of Christ as those who have confessed Him as Savior and Lord. What kind of bride did you want or what kind of bride do you want to present to your husband or future husband? If we look at what we expect out of a lifelong mate, then how much greater are the expectations of the Bridegroom Jesus? I think we may be on to something here. We'll pick this up again in the next post. Until then... continue crashing into life.
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