Elisha. The one who had to fill the shoes of THE MAN Elijah. You know, the guy who called down fire from heaven. The guy who slaughtered the prophets of Baal. You know...Elijah. How in the world could anyone follow him. Elisha did. It is interesting that where you here the name Elisha mentioned in 2 Kings you will hear the words "man of God" not to far behind. It was not a title that he gave himself. It was a title that was bestowed on him by others. How did he get that title? I think it is obvious, people had observed the life of Elisha and saw God in him. The title was based upon his reputation. Reputation says a lot about a person. For most of us, our reputation is known before we are. For some of us that is good, but for some of us that is bad. It is difficult to overcome a bad reputation, but it is even more difficult maintaining a good one. There was nothing in Elisha's life that disqualified him as being the man of God. Because he was vitally connected to and so in sync with God people observed him as he really was. So, that begs the question...what about you? How are you know? What are you known for? As we go about our lives are we referred to as the man of God or the woman of God? It is our goal and our aim to bring fame to the name of Jesus. One of the most effective ways to do that is through our reputation, how we are know. On top of that we must also live life before people. Elisha never apologized for being the man of God. He relished it, because people came from far and wide to ask his advice and wisdom on what to do in situations. People observed in Elisha God's hand. They knew they could ask the man of God and he would would be able to speak the word of God into their lives. We are in need of more Elishas. Men and women who put seeking the Lord and building relationship with Him first. Those who live un-apologetically in an intolerantly tolerant world. Those whose "good" reputation is not besmirched by a contradictory lifestyle. Those whose end is to bring fame to the name of Jesus and introduce as many as possible to Him. Man of God, Woman of God...it's time to step and live the life God has called you to.
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