Thursday, January 29, 2009
An Upside Down Kingdom Principle
We must follow Jesus in His death so that we can follow Him in His life (from John 12:24-26).
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A Thought for Today
A truth that is not lived out in life is not learned, but only known.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm excited about a discipleship material that I found quite by accident. It's the Growing Disciples Series put out by Lifeway. I received one of the books called Witness to the World as part of the Texas 2010 emphasis by the Baptist General Convention of Texas. It seem interesting enough but upon looking inside the back cover, I discovered the Witness was one of seven in a series of discipleship studies. I begin this week discipling a young man in our church. He has agreed to meet with me weekly as we discover the life a disciple. I was looking for something that would relate to a teen but would also give him a good solid foundation. The first study is called The Call to Follow Christ is the introduction to the series and give an overview of the other six studies in the series. I am very impressed with what I have seen so far. Claude King has produced another hit for discipleship. I am looking forward to discipling this young man and helping him begin his life with Christ. I think that he is excited too. He has great potential to do great things for the Lord. Discipleship is one of the greatest needs in the church today. It is not something that happens in a class or even a small group, necessarily. Ideally, it is something that happens on a one-on-one basis. I read a great post today by Dan Wooldridge about the definition and need of relational evangelism from the Engage Evangelism conference. I think that along with relational evangelism there must also be relational discipleship. If we invest all that time to lead someone to Christ, then it makes perfect sense to continue to invest in there spiritual development. Isn't that exactly what Jesus did? There was the crowd, whom He ministered to in a certain way, but then He had the twelve, whom He really invested in. Even withing the twelve, though, there were three, Peter, James, and John, into whom Jesus poured His life. I think that lays out the perfect pattern for us to follow for discipleship today. It makes no sense to lead someone to Christ, hand them a Bible, and wish them luck, while we dash off to notch another conversion. Discipleship is all about relationship. It is about building a relationship with another person so that you can help them in building a relationship with God. At the same time you are teaching them to do what you are doing with them; build relationships with people so they can build relationships with God. When we engage in relational evangelism which leads to relational discipleship, we are truly crashing into life. Crash on!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A Refresher Course

Well, I have spent the past 7 hours of my life taking an online defensive driving course. I wish it was voluntary, but that would be an outright lie. I had to take this course because I got a speeding ticket a while back. Yes...I'm human. In the midst of this marathon I got to thinking about how this class really affects me. You see, this is not the first time I've had to take defensive driving. I think this is actually the third time I've had to take, and each time for ticket dismissal. For me, this class is really beneficial, because it reminds me of things that I had forgotten. It makes me more aware as a driver. It makes me focus on driving instead of doing my usual multi-tasking. It has benefits. So here's the thing...where is the "defensive driving" for our spiritual life. You know, where is the class that gets back to the basic things of the faith and serves as a refresher of all the things we "forgot." I would say that it is widely absent for most of us and in most churches. Part of the reason is that we don't want to admit that we have a problem or ever make a mistake or misstep. We want to have the appearance that we have it all together, when in reality we really may not. Hard words to swallow, aren't they. Mike Huckabee talk about in his book Do the Right Thing about the importance of self government. If self government increased there would be decreased need for national government. Unfortunately, that is not the case for us today. I have to agree with Mr. Huckabee. If we could not just govern but manage ourselves, things could be so much better. There is a great need in the lives of many Christians for a refresher course on all things Jesus. Not on the things that we have made Him to be, but on the person that He really was and is. We need a refresher on what He expects of us as individual, as His bride. We are the bride of Christ as those who have confessed Him as Savior and Lord. What kind of bride did you want or what kind of bride do you want to present to your husband or future husband? If we look at what we expect out of a lifelong mate, then how much greater are the expectations of the Bridegroom Jesus? I think we may be on to something here. We'll pick this up again in the next post. Until then... continue crashing into life.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Man of God

Elisha. The one who had to fill the shoes of THE MAN Elijah. You know, the guy who called down fire from heaven. The guy who slaughtered the prophets of Baal. You know...Elijah. How in the world could anyone follow him. Elisha did. It is interesting that where you here the name Elisha mentioned in 2 Kings you will hear the words "man of God" not to far behind. It was not a title that he gave himself. It was a title that was bestowed on him by others. How did he get that title? I think it is obvious, people had observed the life of Elisha and saw God in him. The title was based upon his reputation. Reputation says a lot about a person. For most of us, our reputation is known before we are. For some of us that is good, but for some of us that is bad. It is difficult to overcome a bad reputation, but it is even more difficult maintaining a good one. There was nothing in Elisha's life that disqualified him as being the man of God. Because he was vitally connected to and so in sync with God people observed him as he really was. So, that begs the question...what about you? How are you know? What are you known for? As we go about our lives are we referred to as the man of God or the woman of God? It is our goal and our aim to bring fame to the name of Jesus. One of the most effective ways to do that is through our reputation, how we are know. On top of that we must also live life before people. Elisha never apologized for being the man of God. He relished it, because people came from far and wide to ask his advice and wisdom on what to do in situations. People observed in Elisha God's hand. They knew they could ask the man of God and he would would be able to speak the word of God into their lives. We are in need of more Elishas. Men and women who put seeking the Lord and building relationship with Him first. Those who live un-apologetically in an intolerantly tolerant world. Those whose "good" reputation is not besmirched by a contradictory lifestyle. Those whose end is to bring fame to the name of Jesus and introduce as many as possible to Him. Man of God, Woman of's time to step and live the life God has called you to.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Facing Fear

I did something today that I have not done for about four months. I went out and rode my motorcycle. This was a pretty big thing for me since the the last time I rode this bike, I wrecked it. The saying goes that there are two kinds of riders out there, those that have been down and those that are going down. I can say that I am the former. Today was the day that I had to face my fears. Even though the bike has been fixed for two months, it's taken me until today to climb on and take it out for a ride. Why? One simple word, fear. There has always been that little voice in the back of my head that wondered, quite often I might add, if I could actually do it. Why today? I'm not sure. I just knew that it was time. If it wasn't today, then it might be never. I will openly admit that I was scared. I rode more timidly today than I have since the first time I rode a motorcycle. I was stiff and uncomfortable at first, but by the end of my short ride I was gaining confidence and comfort. I had to face my fear. I had to prove to myself that I could do it. I refused to continue to be gripped by the fear and wonder if I could or would ride again. As I sit here tonight, I am proud of myself. But I also reflect on something deeper. All of us have fear. We have two choices. We can be gripped and crippled by them or we can overcome and conquer them. For many of us, we have great spiritual fears. We are afraid of what God may call us to. We are afraid that we will miss the opportunity that God has laid before us. We are afraid to speak up and share the message of the gospel with those who are around us. We are afraid of being rejected and ridiculed because of our faith. We cannot allow these fears to grip and cripple us. We must overcome. We must face those fears, stare them in the face and beat them. It is a mental battle. It is battle that is won in the mind. You see, a life that is lived in fear is a life that is deprived of faith. We have been created as people of faith. It is our faith that keeps us alive. Jesus says that He gives life abundantly. Our faith in Him brings us life abundantly. It is the kind of life that is like that of Christ, fearless. For you, it's time to climb on your motorcycle, to face your fear and ride into the sunset. Fearless.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Actor or Reactor?

"We are in constant danger of being not actors in the drama of our lives but go where the world takes us, to drift with whatever current happens to be running strongest." -- Frederick Buechner.
New Life

My wife and I are expecting our third child in June. Yesterday, we got to go to the all important sonogram. This technology completely fascinates me. How they are able to peer into the womb and look at that little child I will never know nor understand. As I sat there yesterday looking at the first images of our baby girl I was overcome with the wonder of it all. Here is this new life, just forming yet so distinguishable. Though some say babies in the womb look like little aliens (which they kind of do) there is no doubt that they are completely human. When we come to new life in Jesus, we begin to take on his likeness, just as a child in the womb takes on human likeness. That child in the womb must go through all of the developmental stages to be healthy. I think this is where we take some short cuts as Christ followers. We do not spend enough time in development. If a child is born too early, they must spend some time in a special part of the hospital until their development is done. Not so with new believers. Many times we expect them to grow on their own. It is of greatest importance to view new believers like children in the womb. They need the proper diet and environment to grow. If they do not receive this, they will not be healthy. The expectation is there, but we fail in the delivery. Just as the babe in the womb is dependent upon the mother to provide what is necessary for growth, the church (and more specifically, individual believers) are responsible for providing new believers with what they need to grow up healthy. I think the most effective way for this to happen is in a 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 type of setting. Throughout the New Testament we see this kind of relationship playing out before our eyes with great results. Jesus modeled it for us with the disciples. There were hundreds who followed him, but he poured his life into twelve and of those twelve, He deeply invested in three. Those three had a tremendous impact on what we call the church today. Paul also did this as he went planting churches. He fostered a deep relationship with Timothy, Titus, Epaphras and others. These men would follow in the footsteps of Paul, leading and planting churches. The key was that someone took time to invest their life in the life of someone else, and with dramatic effect. This method still works today. Maybe it is time that you begin to share the wisdom you have gained in your Christ-walk with someone else who is just beginning. Maybe it is time that you seek someone out to invest in you. Even as your are investing in someone else, it is a good idea to have someone investing in you. It's time to CRASH!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Sickness
The sickness settled on our house today. This "bug" invaded that stomach of one of our family. Needless to wasn't pretty. Now, I'm just praying that I'm not the next victim. But as I've been home today lending moral support, I started thinking about another sickness that infects all of us. This sickness is one that is life-threatening. Every day, all over the world, it claims victims. This sickness is common to all mankind. This sickness is sin. It is a disease that separates us from what God wants us to be. It stands in the way of us having the relationship with God that He initiated with us from the beginning. This sickness does not discriminate, as every man suffers from it. Unlike a virus, you don't just let it runs its course and you get better on your own. That's the bad news. But, there is some good news. There is a cure. It's a little shot. Now if you're like me, you're not a big fan of shots. Truth be known, I hate shots. I've got to be really sick and at the point of death before I take a shot. But the shot that cures the sickness of sin is not a vaccine given through a needle. It is a vaccine for your heart that is administered by Jesus Christ. It's the kind of cure that brings about life change for those who are willing to take it. You see, not everyone will take the vaccine. Not everyone will come to Jesus for the cure from sin. Jesus cures sin by forgiving it. Only He can do it. Jesus gives it freely to all of those who will come to Him, ask for it and recieve it. So here's the thing. Maybe today, you got the diagnosis of your sickness. Maybe you've tried everything else to make you well, everything that you thought would make you well, but you are still sick. Turn your life over to Jesus, ask Him to heal your sickness of sin and begin to live a life that follows after Jesus. Now there is nothing keeping you from living the life of wellness that God wants you to live. Jesus said, "It is the sick who need a doctor." Good news...the Doctor is in!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
What's in a name?
Some of you may be wondering about the name of this blog, "Crashing into Life." Really the name was inspired by Erwin McManus' book The Barbarian Way. In the final chapter he talks about the rhino. I have seen rhinos up-close in Africa. They are beautiful, powerful and potentially dangerous animals. Erwin points out that the rhino can run at a top speed of 30 mph. Who knew? But the catch is that a rhino can also only see about 30 feet in front of them. Does that stop the rhino from running full steam ahead? Absolutely not. That is why the name of a group of rhinos is a crash. Interesting. They are called a crash because of their potential, the potential to crash into anything at any given time. This is how God designed us to live our lives. We are designed to crash into life. Not wreaking havoc or wrecking things, but with an abandon toward the things of faith. We have been hard wired to live life on the edge. We have been conditioned to "live safe." I think it is time for those of us who call ourselves Christians or believers to assume the role of the rhino. That is, to run full blast into each day and know that when we run into something that it is an opportunity for encounter, whether it be an encounter with God or an encounter with people or both. Crashing into life is to live life in the fullness of faith. The writer of Hebrews tells us that faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. It is living life with a confidence of collision. That our lives are going to collide with God and people everyday. The question is: What kind of impact are we going to leave? Crashing into life means living each day with the assurance of a collision because we cannot see all the things that the day holds. Just like the rhino, we can only see a short distance into our future. We must not let that fear of what lies beyond our sight hinder us from charging ahead. Charge ahead! Crash into life!
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