Monday, November 14, 2011

Don't let your righteousness get in the way

I was reading this morning and came across John 18:28.  When I read it, I just had to laugh. Seriously? You don't want to defile yourself by going into Pilate's house, but it's okay to deliver a man up to murder?  I know, that's a little harsh, but it serves of a great example of how righteousness, self-righteousness in this case, can get in the way of true holiness.

Oftentimes, we think that our righteous acts are what make us holy.  I think this is the trap the Pharisees fell into.  They were so caught up in their righteousness that they were missing out on true holiness. How I pray that does not happen for me or you.  Let us not become so full of ourselves, so confident in ourselves that we forget and forsake the power of the Holy Spirit within us.

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