Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Politics of Evangelism

Photo from rebulicandefined.com
Over the weekend, Texas Governor Rick Perry announced his run for the presidency.  I'm not sure how you feel about that, but it really is immaterial.  I'm not going to write about politics here, I really try to shy away from that discussion in this forum.  However, I was listening to the news this morning and the commentators were discussing that tactics that Governor Perry is using in his campaign.  Perry has his sights firmly fixed on his biggest opponent in the Republican primary and on the incumbent President of the United States.  One commentator noted that Perry was completely ignoring the candidate who won the Iowa Straw Poll over the weekend.  Even so, why is Perry already focused on the President?  Here's why.  Perry wants to win.  He has the attitude that he will win.  He is thinking like a champion.  He is already visualizing himself in the White House.  While some may think that arrogant, isn't that why you run in the first place?  Your run to win.  If you don't think you can win or don't want to win, get out.

Now, some of you are wondering what this has to do with evangelism.  In a word, everything.  We must approach sharing the gospel with people the same way that Governor Perry is approaching his run for the White House.  So often, when it comes right down to telling someone about Jesus, we bow out of the race because we don't think we can win.  When we approach evangelism with a winning attitude, we will win people to Jesus.  It's not arrogant.  It's essential.  Many times we feel defeated and that people to not want to hear about Jesus.  Last year some research revealed that nearly 70% of unchurched people were willing to sit down with someone and talk about Jesus.  The unbelieving world around us wants to know what we have to say.  It's time to enter the race to win.  In 1 Corinthians 9:24, Paul exhorts us to run in such a way as to win or obtain the prize.  Win today!

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