"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve other, faithfully administering God's grace in it s various forms." I Peter 4:10
You are uniquely designed by God. He has put certain things in you that no one else has. He has built you to a specific specification that only He knew at the foundation of the world. When you came to faith in Jesus, another set of passions were revealed to you. These are you spiritual gifts. They are not know, necessarily, by the carnal man but are revealed only by the Spirit of God. These gifts were given so that you may give them away as you invest in the lives of others. Peter says that we are to administer, or give, God's grace to people. The one who first administered grace was Jesus. He gave grace away with out cost or regret. As Christ-followers, we are to do likewise. As we are to be full of grace, we are to give that grace away as it was given to us...freely. Peter closes this verse is a most excellent way when he says that we are to give away grace in its various forms. None of have experienced grace in the exact same way. In the same vein, not of us will give it away in the same way either. Just as God has uniquely made us and given us unique gifts, His expectation is that we give grace away to others to all people by being who God created us to be. Giving away grace is at the heart of crashing into life. Crash on!
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