Our church is taking part in the Seek God for the City, 40 days of pray for revival in our community, state, nation and world. Jesus encourages His disciples in Luke 18:1 that they should pray at all times and not lose heart. Wow, what a great word for followers today. Then this statement was made in the reading today, "We have often scolded ourselves for prayerlessness, blaming our busy schedules. But we have not lost track of our schedules as much as we have lost heart and the hope that You (God) will really hear us." That is powerful and true! We have such a tendency to put the unimportant things of this life in front of the most important things of eternal life. We are a people who are no longer willing to bring sacrifices of praise before the LORD. I hear a man preach a few weeks ago who talked about got to's versus get to's. We live in a world where we feel that we've got to do this or got to do that. Because of a serious heart condition that could take his life at any time, he views things differently. He does not see things at got to's any more but as get to's. What would happen if we took that approach when it came to prayer? What would happen if we said we get to pray instead of we've got to pray? Prayer would move up our priority list. Things would be re-ordered in our lives and our lives would be re-ordered. The reason we "fail", many times, in prayer is because we get discouraged. We feel like we are alone in it. We must heed the words of Jesus again -- to not lose heart. God loves to hear from His people and wants to communicate with them (that means you). We should never be too busy to pray. Prayer must become a priority in the life of every believer is we, the church, truly desire to see the impact of the Holy Spirit in our communities. When we pray, we are crashing into life. Crash on!!
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