I'm starting a new thing today called "10 Questions". Each Monday there will be ten questions that I've asked people from church to submit concerning the message from Sunday. Our text from Sunday was Psalm 119:9-16 if you want to refer to it. You can also hear the sermon audio here. Here are this week's Ten Questions:
1. What was the last Scripture that truly affected your life and how?
2. Why does growing cease when learning ceases?
3. Is your first response to difficult situations to turn to the wisdom of the world or the wisdom of the Word and why?
4. How do you know God's "Living Word" is alive and evident in you?
5. What expectation does God have for you when you think upon His word?
6. How will meditating on God's word help you in discerning God's will?
7. Do you find yourself doing things you know are wrong or "pre-meditating" your sin?
8. What good is learning without implementation?
9. What foundation is your life built upon and what kind of "material" are you using to build your life?
10. Take an inventory of your week. Are the things you do a response to being a "doer" of God's Word?
These questions are to help you in going to the next level of applying Sunday's message. Take your time in answering them. Don't feel that you have to do them all or do them all at once. Wrestle with the questions, but be honest with your response. This is crashing into life.