Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A Snow Day Reflection
I've been able to sit and watch the snow fall all day, so far, through by office window. It's been relaxing to say the least. As the minutes have passed by, I've seen the snow get deeper and deeper in my backyard (which is right outside of my office window). There was a magnificient white blanket spread over our yard. It was perfect, undisturbed, flawless, even picturesque. After lunch, the three little boys from down the street came over since they got out of school early for the snow day. Needless to say...when five little boys start playing with their toys the picturesque, flawless blanket of snow goes away...and fast. They run and scream, throw snowballs, make snow angels all in the name of fun. Some would make them go somewhere else to have their fun so that the beauty is undisturbed. Not so with me. I love to hear them as they play outside, not a care in the world. They are enjoying themselves. When did we get so old that we don't enjoy ourselves anymore? How often does it do this in here, snow that is. I had a blast over the lunch hour building a snowman with my boys in the front yard. Fun! Say it with me...FUN! It is probably the one thing that lacks in many of our lives. Are we so dignified that we can no longer enjoy ourselves? Are we so mature that we can't go out and make snow angels too? This is the only today that we have. A couple of years ago I made this statement: Today's a new day, make the most of it. I'm not sure if I came up with that or if I heard it somewhere, but I'm taking credit for it. How are you going to make the most of today? Is it enough to just enjoy the picturesque scenery of a fresh snow? For some of you the answer is yes, and that's okay. But what does your inner child say? SNOW!! It's time to start enjoying life and living it to the fullest. Isnt' that what Jesus said when He said He gives us life abundantly? The short answer is YES! Get out there and play in the snow. Enjoy it! You never know when it's gonna snow this way again.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A Century Turns: New Hopes, New Fears by William J. Bennet

William Bennett takes a look at the past 20 years of history form 1988-2008. He contends that this is a vital part of American history and one that saw some of the greatest changes in our history. The sub title, new hopes and new fears, captures that sentiment. While some would not consider this a complete or exhaustive history of the past 20 years, Bennett captures the events that most greatly affected the U. S. From the end of the Reagan era, the fall of Bush I, the Clinton years, Rodney King, even OJ and the election of Barack Obama, Bennett looks at the ins and outs of these significant historical events. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, even more than I first thought. It was during these years that I came of age. I remember where I was when some of the events were detailed. Bennett’s writing style is more than just sharing information and is more of storytelling. Of course, Bennett found himself in the middle of some of these historical events as well. While he has a tendency to lean to the right, Bennett shoots the history pretty much down the middle. I appreciated that he did not editorialize in the main text and left that mostly for the foot notes. This could almost read as Bennett’s memoirs. After reading this work, I am intrigued to read his previous two works on American history as well. A very well written book and quick read. I highly recommend it.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com
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