Tuesday, May 26, 2009

10 Questions from A Message for America

A strange but good think happened with this message. It was not the one that I had prepared to preach. This one came about in the midst of our worship time. You can listen to it here.

1. Am I seeking God and if not, what am I seeking?

2. Are you seeking to live in moment-by-moment, complete, immediate obedience to God? Why or why not?

3. What is the truth of your life and where is the joy and hope of your life found?

4. Who or what is the source of strength for your life?

5. Who or what are you trusting to provide for your daily needs?

6. What signifies our dependence upon God?

7. Who do you obey more: God or the world?

8. Can you say with Jesus, " My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work?"

9. What evidence is given in your life that you are resting in God's unfailing love?

10. Is the hope that you believe in bringing about rejoicing, trust, unfailing love and rest in your life? Why or why not?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

10 Questions from Living in God's Daily Provision

Sorry that it has been a few weeks since my last post. My computer spent two weeks in the shop after the fatal "blue screen of death" so as to get a new hard drive installed. Thank God for the extended warranty. Anyway...here are some questions to keep you thinking about Sunday's message (which I hope to have posted later with a link).

1. In what ways do you daily recognize God's provision?

2. How do you feel safe in God's provision?

3. How do you distinguish a lie from a truth?

4. When someone lies to you, how long does it tak before you trust them again?

5. In God's provision, how much is enough?

6. Do you let God be enough?

7. Which do you want more of: stuff or Jesus? (be honest)

8. Do you live in God's grace and sufficiency and are you content there? Why or why not?

9. It has been said, that if you don't find contentment in little, you won't find it in a lot. Do you plan to be content each day?

10. Are you content to live in the present -- to live in today?